Cuban Body Movement

Dance is more than mere step sequences. In this course, we dissect the complex movement patterns
of Cuban dances, specifically Salsa and Son, first isolating and then integrating all the individual
elements into one harmonious complete movement.
We aim to internalize the technique, enhancing both the visual appeal and the physical
experience of dancing. Get ready for an elevated fun factor!

The Teacher

Christina Dragoi
Christina’s journey into the world of dance began during her teenage years. An immersive
experience in Latin America during 1999/2000 exposed her to the vibrant rhythms of the region,
and subsequent lessons with renowned Cuban teachers shaped her style. Over the years, the ongoing
training both in Europe and in Cuba has deepened not only her dancing skills but also her knowledge
of the structure, history, and evolution of Cuban dances.

Since 2001, Christina has been teaching mainly
in southern Germany, with the aim of passing on to her students both her skills and her enthusiasm
for dancing.

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