Street Salsa®

Street Salsa® is a flavor of Timba dance and a teaching methodology developed by Ido Flaishon.

Cuban music is constantly evolving. In terms of music, some branches of musicians are coming closer to mainstream music bringing influences of Reggaeton, RnB, and Urban music. With Street Salsa® we answer the call for change and change the flavor of our dance to correspond. We also believe that the dance can be danced to other styles of music but Timba in some cases.

Salsa is constantly evolving. Salsa Cubana has not stayed the same either, and people nowadays dance differently than they used to. We seek connection and we seek to enjoy the dance. Street Salsa®. With Street Salsa, we put that on focus and add some sexy edge to it. Essentially it is a flavor of Timba dance, but we draw influence from Urban styles of dance and Club dance.

The four Tenants of Street Salsa

  • Focus on connection, enjoyment & feel of the dance.
  • Bring on the edgy and sexy.
  • Keep it simple: Simple yet attractive figures and variations.
  • Practical and possible: it should be possible to lead and follow it on the dancefloor.

The Methodology

When we give Street Salsa® workshops we also teach with a unique methodology designed to open dancers’ minds to release from “the anxiety of figures performing”, doing it all “correct and by the book” or “seeking perfection of movement”. The point is to help students make an internal change and shift their focus to enjoying the music, the dance, and their partner.